Alicia Keys : Tender Love - teledysk oraz treść piosenki

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Teledysko oraz treść utworu Alicia Keys : Tender Love.

Alicia Keys : Tender Love


Oryginalny tekst piosenki.

Tender Love

Here I lay all alone
Tossing turning
Longing for some of your
Tender love
Im waiting for the right
moment to come
So I can thank you for
All the tender love you've given to me

Tender love
Love so tender
Pulling me close to you
Baby I surrender

Candles they light the dark
Now I see how
Lovely the feelings are
All the tender love you've given to me

I want you more and more
Can't resist you
Move then I feel your touch
Tender love
Jabbing me straight from the heart
Lonely mirror
Please let me be a part
Of the tender love you've given to me

Tender love
Love so tender
Pulling me close to you
Baby I surrender [x2]

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