Disturbed : The Infection - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Disturbed : The Infection, album Asylum.

The Infection

Hey Guy

Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

The Infection

In the back of my mind I can
Barely even remember when
There was nothing left to hide and
She had found a way inside, then
I was forced to walk alone
Living in an empty home
All I wanted was to hide and
Try to numb the ache inside

And I'm still afraid of the light
And a thousand voices share their laughter at my demise

Now if I am to survive
The infection must die
Murder the beast that's been eating me alive
The infection must die

Nothing left but a broken man
Terrified of everything
Nothing left of his foolish pride, his
Fond memories slowly die, then
As he wakes again alone
Still a prisoner in his home
Ready to allow the dark to
Penetrate his broken heart

And he's still afraid of the light
And a thousand voices share their laughter at his demise

Now if I am to survive
The infection must die
Murder the beast that's been eating me alive
The infection must die

Now if I am to survive
The infection must die
Murder the beast that's been eating me alive
The infection must die

This is where I draw the line
This infection must die
Give me release from this demon of mine
The infection must die
The infection must die

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