Nightwish : Turn Loose The Mermaids - tekst piosenki teledysk

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(1 głos)
Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Nigtwish : Turn Loose The Mermaids, album Imaginaeurm.

Turn Loose The Mermaids


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

Turn Loose The Mermaids

A kite above a graveyeard grey
At the end of the line far far away
A child holding on to the magic of birth and awe

Oh, how beautiful it used to be
Just you and me far beyond the sea
The waters, scarce in motion
Quivering still

At the end of the river the sundown beams
All the relics of a life long lived
Here, weary traveller rest your wand
Sleep the journey from your eyes

Good journey, love, time to go
I checked your teeth and warmed your toes
In the horizon I see them coming for you

The mermaid's grace, the forever call
Beauty in spyglass on an old man's porch
The mermaids you turn loose brought back your tears

At the end of the river the sundown beams
All the relics of a life long lived
Here, weary traveller rest your wand
Sleep the journey from your eyes x4

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