Nirvana : Aero Zeppelin - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Nirvany : Aero Zeppelin, album Incesticide.

Aero Zeppelin

All Nirvana albums and songs in high quality.

Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

Aero Zeppelin

whats a season in a right
if you can't have anything
whats the reason in a rhyme
if a plan means anything
whats the meaning in a crime
it's a fan if anything
wheres a leaning in a line
it's a brand it's a brand

how a culture comes again
it was all here yesterday
and you swear it's not a trend
doesn't matter anyways
they're only here to talk to friends
nothing new is everyday
you could shit upon the stage they'll be fans

all the kids will eat it up
if its packaged properly
steal a sound and imitate
keep a format equally
not an ode
just the facts
where our world is nowadays
an idea is what we lack
it doesn't matter anyways


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