Vance Joy : Mess is Mine - teledysk oraz treść piosenki

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Vance Joy : Mess is Mine

Vance Joy

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Mess is Mine

Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaken up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out

Do you like walking in the rain
When you think of love, do you think of pain
You can tell me what you see
I will choose what I believe

Hold on, darling
This body is yours, this body is yours and mine
Hold on my darling
This mess was yours, now your mess is mine

See you in the market place
Walking around at 8 AM
Got two hours before my flight
Rub me on my side tonight

You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all that time
Did I give enough of mine

Hold on, darling
This body is yours, this body is yours and mine
Hold on my darling
This mess was yours, now your mess is mine
Bring me to your house and tell me

Sorry for the mess, "Hey I don't mind"
You're talking in your sleep, out of time
Well you still make sense to me, your mess is mine

Your mess is mine
This body is yours and this body is mine
Your mess is mine
Your mess is mine

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