Nervo We're All No One - tekst piosenki

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Tekst piosenki "We're All No One".

We're All No One


Tekst oryginalny:

"We're All No One"

You do your best
You take the fall
You reminisce
about almost nearly having it all

You see the stars
You try and catch one
You tried so hard


We're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone
'til then we're no one
and you got me looking at you

I said we're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone
'til then we're no one
and you got me looking at you, looking at you

We're all the same
We all have hopes
Ohh it gets insane
When you're slipping down that downward slope
I come with peace
I offer love
So if you're hearing me
Then hurry baby
Give it up


We're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone
'til then we're no one
and you got me looking at you

I said we're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone
'til then we're no one
and you got me looking at you

I said we're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone
'til then we're no one
and you got me looking at you

I said we're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone


Do ya best, Do ya best. Do ya best ........

we're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone
'til then we're no one
and you got me looking at you, looking at you

I said we're all no one 'til someone thinks that we're someone
'til then we're no one
and you got me looking at you, looking at you

Looking at you

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