Demon Hunter : The Heart of a Graveyard - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Demon Hunter : The Heart of a Graveyard, album Extremist.

The Heart of a Graveyard


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

The Heart of a Graveyard


Everything in time
Set your eyes upon the shallow surface
Hollow out your mind
How divine, you disengage your self

Tell me
Tell me of your consolation
Tell me
I am lost in the gray
Tell me that your final home is not a…
A shot in the dark
Tell me that your hopes and dreams don’t end in the heart

Of a graveyard

Set aside your soul
Let tomorrow realize itself



Brace for the ending
You may not see
Will you stop descending
Six shallow feet



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