Disturbed : Breathe - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Disturbed : Breathe, album Believe.



Oryginalny tekst piosenki:



You will realease your life
Forgetting what's forsaken the reason why
You are alone again
You will believe the lie
Judging from what you've taken
You breathe, alive
You are alone again

From the heart of darkness
You call to me
Spirit raging on
There is nothing I can do
For you are next to no one

You will release your life
Joining with the goddamned world
Of the dead and the lonely
You'll never leave alive
Now do you think you're too damn good
For the killing kind

You will begin to cry
Hearing the silence breaking
You breathe, alive
But you are alone again

From the heart of darkness
You call to me
Spirit raging on
There is nothing I can do
For you are next to no one

You will release your life
Joining with the goddamned world
Of the dead and the lonely
You'll never leave alive
Now do you think you're too damn good
For the killing kind

You will release your life
forgetting what's forsaken
You breathe, alive
You are alone again

You will release your life
Joining with the goddamned world
Of the dead and the lonely
You'll never leave alive
Now do you think you're too damn good
For the killing kind

Nothing I can do

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