Nightwish : Dead Gardens - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Nigtwish : Dead Gardens, album Once.

Dead Gardens

Ariel G

Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

Dead Gardens

The story behind the painting I drew is already told
No more tearstains on the pages of my diary
Tired but unable to give up since I`m
Responsible for the lives I saved

The play is done
The curtain`s down

All the tales are told
All the orchids gone
Lost in my own world
Now I care for dead gardens

My song is little worth anymore
Time to lay this weary pen aside

The play is done
The curtain`s down

"Where are the wolves, the underwater moon
The elvenpath, the haven of youth
Lagoons of the starlit sea

Have I felt enough for one man`s deed?
Or is it time to challenge the Ancient of Days
And let the virgin conceive"

All the tales...

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