Nightwish : Higher Than Hope - tekst piosenki i teledysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Nigtwish : Higher Than Hope, album Once.

Higher Than Hope


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

Higher Than Hope

Time it took the most of me
And left me with no key
To unlock the chest of remedy
Mother, the pain ain`t hurting me
But the love that I feel
When you hold me near

The hopes were high
The choirs were vast
Now my dreams are left to live through you

Red Sun rising
Drown without inhaling
Within, the dark holds hard

An angel by my side
But no Christ to end this war
To deliver my soul from the sword
Hope has shown me a scenery
Paradise poetry
With first snow I`ll be gone

The hopes were high
The choirs were vast
Now my dreams are left to live through you

Red Sun rising
Drown without inhaling
Within, the dark holds hard
Red Sun rising
Curtain falling
Higher than hope my cure lies

(I would just like to think that, it's not why it happened to me. But why was I saved? What else can I do now?)

Your death saved me

(Being in the dark about something, I can’t even tell you how scary it is.You don’t know what’s inside; you don’t know what’s going to happen to you. The best way to put somebody at ease is to inform them, even if it’s the grim truth.)

Red Sun rising
Drown without inhaling
Within, the dark holds hard
Red Sun rising
Curtain falling
Higher than hope my cure lies x2

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