Nightwish : Whoever Brings The Night - tekst piosenki i teldysk

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Tekst oraz teledysk do utworu Nigtwish : Whoever Brings The Night, album Dark Passion Play.

Whoever Brings The Night


Oryginalny tekst piosenki:

Whoever Brings The Night

We seduce the dark with pain and rapture
Like two ships that pass in the night
You and I, a whore and a bashful sailor
Welcome to a sunrise of a dirty mind

All you love is a lie
You one-night butterfly
Hurt me, be the one
Whoever brings the night

The Dark, created to hide the innocent white, the lust of night
Eyes so bright, seductive lies
Crimson masquerade where I merely played my part
Poison dart of desire

All you love is a lie
You one-night butterfly
Hurt me, be the one
Whoever brings the night

Choose a bride
Tonight a fantasy for a zombie
Hurt me, I love to suffer
Your harem`s a dream for free

Suck from us and live forever
Rotten beauty
Will haunt you for a lifetime

Come with me underwater
And drown to despise me no more
Unholy, unworthy
My night is a dream for free

All you love is a lie
You one-night butterfly
Hurt me, be the one
Whoever brings the night

All you love is a lie
You one-night butterfly
Hurt me, be the one
Whoever brings the night

Whoever brings the night

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